Friday, April 30, 2010

We ARE The Traditional American Movement

We are the Tea Partiers, the 912ers, the Freshman Fifty, the Patriots, the Gun Rights, the Oath Keepers, the Christians, The NRA, the NGOA, etc, etc, etc., and all of us are true CITIZENS of America. We believe that the Founding Principles of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and all of America’s other honored traditions are in danger of being lost and WE WILL NOT ALLOW THAT.

We will not be ruled. We will not be usurped. WE are sovereign individuals and demand our rights which are our freedoms from tyrannical government. We speak in many voices, each singing our own part of the chorus, and each following our own melody. We are all united in a single song of praise to the greatest Nation in the history of Man and we will not allow any substitutes.

To accomplish our missions we must find a way to a common theme that no one can misinterpret, that no enemy can ignore. We must awaken the citizens who are still on the sidelines, wondering what we are saying. They are finally alert and paying attention so now we must speak clearly with a voice that they can understand without confusion and agree to join for the good of all of our children. We are the Traditional Americans.

We are what we once were. We have our families which we cherish, our rights to our own choices, free of interference from the rule of others we disagree with and fierce in our stance in defense of our God given rights. We see the agenda of the communists and globalists, blatantly displayed for the first time, and we stand in full opposition to it.

AND ….. we outnumber them. Our weapons are Truth and Honest Action. We are the Traditional Americans that free men and those who want to be free admire and appeal to when they are threatened with tyrants. We will defeat our own would be tyrants beginning now. STAND TOGETHER! WE will NOT be RULED !!


  1. Hoodoo, your blog post is being presented to the History and Psychology Departments at the University of Tennessee by a precious student now with Tea Party Patriots that read your blog through one of my postings. Keep writing Hoodoo, your message is going out to all of America through me. God bless you my sweet friend..... Stay the Course.

  2. VoT, I really appreciate you spreading my words around. That is why I write !! God Bless you, my friend.
